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33 Legitimate Work from Home Jobs for Mums (No Experience Necessary)

Are you a stay-at-home mum looking for a work from home job? Are you finding it difficult to find something that fits your own schedule and doesn’t require any experience? If so, then you’re in luck!

See what the best work from home jobs for mums who have no experience, with tips on how to make the most of your work-from-home job and manage your time wisely.

Woman working on her laptop in the kitchen

Legitimate Work From Home Jobs For Mums

Finding a work from home job as a mum with no experience sounds like a bit of a myth, right? Well, if nothing else, these last few years sure have made the possibility of remote work a lot more attainable.

In fact, many of the traditional jobs that are typically site or office-based had no choice but to find ways to adapt to home environments.

This has been a wonderful pivot for mums who are looking to find legitimate work at home jobs while home with their children!

You might also get ideas from these ways teens can earn money

Benefits Of Being A Work At Home Mum

There are a lot of benefits that come with being a work at home mum.

For starters, you get to be there for your kids during those incredibly fast-moving developmental moments – no more rushing off to work and missing those little milestones each day!

You also have a lot more control over your time, which means you can manage your work around your family’s schedule a lot better.

You get to contribute to the household finances, which can take a huge amount of stress off the average household when considering the cost of living! Even a little extra money coming in can have a big impact.

No feeling like you’ve lost your identity to being ‘just a mum’ even though it might be your favourite role of all. Having your own thing outside of motherhood is important in the same way that hobbies are essential to mums.

Plus, you don’t have to worry about the costs associated with work, like commuting or childcare.

Of course, working from home isn’t always easy. It can be tough to stay motivated when you’re not in an office environment and it can be easy to get distracted by family life.

But if you’re organised and have a good work/life balance, being a work from home mum can be an incredibly rewarding experience!

What To Look For In SAHM Jobs

Woman working on laptop beside her child and dog

When you’re looking for work from home jobs as a mum, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First and foremost, you want to make sure the job is legitimate! There is a lot of work at home scams out there, so this is important.

Do your research and make sure the company is reputable before you apply. Or create your own work from home business instead!

You also want to make sure the job is a good fit for your skillset.

Don’t be afraid to apply for jobs that are a little out of your comfort zone – you never know what you might be good at until you try!

Finally, make sure the job is flexible enough to work around your family’s schedule.

You don’t want to be working all hours of the night while your kids are asleep – that’s not sustainable in the long run.

Look for jobs with flexible hours or that allow you to work from home a few days a week so you can still be there for your family when they need you.

After all, your goal is to have more time with your family! Not less…

30 Great Work From Home Jobs For Mums

Now that we’ve gone over what to look for in work at home jobs for mums, it’s time to give you some ideas of jobs that might be a good fit!

Here are 30 great work from home jobs for mums, with a little something for everyone:

Flexible SAHM Jobs Online

Woman holding her baby in her lap while working on her laptop

With the wonderful advancements in technology, there are more opportunities than ever to work from home. All you often need is a reliable computer and an internet connection, and the world opens up so many possibilities for working from home.

Remote work is becoming increasingly supported in traditional workplaces as well, so if you had a previous career that you loved, why not talk to your former employers about returning casually or part-time in an online capacity?

Here are some jobs that can be done entirely online, with little to no experience necessary:

1 – Start A Blog

I may be biased on this one, but by far there has never been a role I love more than blogging. Also known as content marketing, this work-from-home job for mums can be done entirely online and with no prior experience.

You can start a blog about literally anything you’re passionate about, from motherhood to fashion to beauty to travel – the list goes on!

The best part is that you can work from anywhere in the world and at any time that suits you. And you get to be the boss of your time!

Blogging is something I personally dabbled in for many years before I realised it could be a profitable side hustle.

And even longer before it occurred to me that this could earn me even more than my previous psychology career. SAY WHAT?!

Alongside this website, I also have a family travel blog and you can read my comprehensive guide on how to get started with travel blogging (with tips relevant to any niche)!

Blogging is great if you ever have the aspiration of becoming a digital nomad too!

To get started, you do need to make some small investments in a cheap hosting plan and a domain (that’s your blog address).

I recommend setting it up on a platform as it will give you more flexibility and avoid you having to switch later!

From there, there is an abundance of free resources online to teach you every aspect of blogging and while it does take some time to start earning money, you will likely get there much quicker than I did as a newbie!

You can make money through several methods as a blogger. The most common is display ads, followed by affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and products or services.

So how much do I make from blogging? Well, that varies depending on the time of year but these days it is consistently over $4,000 AU a month and it has been as high as $12,000 AU per month!

CRAZY, right! But if blogging doesn’t sound like the right choice for you, there are a lot of other home jobs you can do online that are a lot quicker to get started!

2 – Sell Printables On Etsy

Do you have a knack for design? If so, you can create and sell printables on Etsy – one of the most well-known platforms for selling handmade goods online.

You don’t need to be an amazing artist or designer to get started. Simple designs with minimal colours are often the best sellers!

Printables are a low-cost product so you will need to sell quite a few to earn a substantial income, yet there are many people who are earning a full-time income from printables alone!

You can even create digital products like spreadsheets, editable PDFs, templates and other digital files to sell on Etsy.

Sign up to get 40 free listings on Etsy to get started.

This is another thing that I did start off with fairly early on, with both printables and custom invitations for birthday parties and special occasions. I have also sold handmade baby headbands and headband supplies in a physical product Etsy store.

These days my focus is entirely on digital files such as printables that can be delivered instantly with no work on my part once the file is created.

And I use the online Canva editing tool to do this. It is completely free to get started!

A fantastic course that covers absolutely everything, including access to some free Canva templates you can use to create your own printables is Printables By Number. I have this course and even with experience creating printables, I learnt so many valuable skills.

That’s the best part – you make a printable or file once, and resell it over and over again! Etsy takes care of the delivery and you can focus on creating new designs.

Try Suzi’s 10-day email challenge to get started so you can see if making printables is for you!

3 – Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is someone who provides administrative, creative or technical support to clients from a remote location.

This work from home job for mums can be done entirely online and often with existing skills you already have, with no experience necessary!

There are many different tasks that a virtual assistant can do, such as:

  • Social media marketing
  • Customer service
  • Email marketing & copy
  • Bookkeeping
  • Data entry
  • Website maintenance
  • Booking appointments
  • Copywriting
  • SEO (search engine optimisation) for websites
  • Making graphics such as Pinterest pins or mockups
  • Image editing
  • Video editing
  • And other simple administrative tasks that help save someone a load of time!

If you have administration skills from a previous role, these will help you get started as a VA much quicker! However, there are also courses available to help you learn the essential skills to get started.

Check out The Savvy System to take you from the very basics right through to launching your VA business, booking clients, pricing, invoicing and so much more! This is a great course for anyone just getting started.

The more experience you have, the easier it will be to get started and the higher you can charge, yet the great thing about VA work is that you set your own hours that you are available and decide how many clients you want to take on.

Some virtual assistants provide just one or two specific services, such as social media scheduling or email customer service support, while others take on whatever tasks their clients need of them. You get the choice!

Not sure if it’s for you? Grab this FREE Virtual Assistant Checklist for getting started and see if it feels like the right online business for you!

4 – Become A Bookkeeper

Many small business owners find this part of managing a business daunting and prefer to outsource it. Luckily it is easy to get started as a bookkeeper, without any prior experience, by taking a short online course to learn the basics.

This is a worthwhile option to consider if you enjoy working with numbers and happen to be a bit of a budgeting boss at home already!

5 – Direct Sales / Network Marketing

Network marking has a bad reputation and there are absolutely a lot of bad choices in the industry and scams that have caused it to be that way. However, when you choose the right company, it can be a profitable experience.

Companies such as Tupperware have lasted decades and continued to grow while many others have come and gone.

I joined a direct sales company when my second daughter was a few months old. I was given a trial of the product and loved it, so I thought I’d join for the discount.

Well, that discount turned into a rather successful home business for quite a few years and it turned out to be an amazing experience!

Ranking in the top distributors in the company, there were some incredible rewards, including compensated travel and gifts. And of course, getting paid.

But let’s be real… it wasn’t a huge amount of money. Anything commission based is going to take A LOT of sales to really make you significant money! And I probably spent half my earnings on products… oops! My success was also a rare example. Most people do not grow their business to that level. It took a lot of time and work!

The great thing about network marketing is that you can work it around your family commitments as you are your own boss! You can work part-time hours or full-time job hours and decide when you work.

Of course, like any business, there is an element of risk so make sure you do your research before joining any company.

And don’t become Spammy Pammy! Nobody wants to be friends with that person…

6 – Freelance Writing

If you love writing, then a freelancing writing gig might be perfect for you!

You can work as a freelance writer to write articles, blog posts, eBooks, and even marketing materials entirely from home.

Many large websites hire several writers to create their content. Sometimes this is listed under the writer’s name, but usually, it will be in a ghostwriting capacity.

This course is a great option to help you get started as a freelance writer in just 60 days and it’s really affordable!

I have done some freelance writing for some large websites over the years. It was a fantastic way to bring in a reasonable income.

However, I prefer to focus my time on writing for my own websites these days. It can be a great experience and there is a high demand for it!

If you are a native English speaker with great written skills and the ability to research or, better still, a background in some unique or niche professions, you will definitely have the opportunity to pursue these opportunities.

7 – Become A Coach

If you have experience or expertise in a specific area, you can use this to start your own coaching or consulting business from home!

Many people are looking for guidance and will gladly pay for it if they feel you can help them.

If you have no experience, but you are a total rockstar at helping lift others up or motivate them and help them achieve their goals, a life coaching gig might be a wonderful choice for you to look into.

Another option is becoming a health coach, helping others to eat better and live healthier lives.

This is great if you are already living a healthy lifestyle, are focused on fitness and have a natural ease with supporting others.

8 – Teach English

Did you know that you can get paid to teach English online from the comfort of your own home?

There are many organisations that will pay you to teach English to students located all over the world via video conferencing.

You don’t need any formal teaching experience or qualifications, but a degree would obviously be beneficial, along with great communication skills.

This is not something I personally have experience in, but I do know someone who adores her role in teaching English to kids around the world and it is perfect for her vibrant and patient personality.

If you are competent in a second language, your language skills will definitely put you at an advantage with language teaching opportunities.

9 – Proofreading

Much like being a freelance writer, you can also specialise in freelance proofreading. This is a fantastic work at home job to seek if you have exceptional written skills and attention to detail.

As a proofreader, you will work with clients to ensure that their written work is free from errors before it is published.

This can include books, blog posts, academic articles, marketing materials and more!

You can advertise your proofreading services on your own website, on a services site such as Upwork, Fivver or check out this huge list of websites where you can apply for proofreading jobs.

This course will help you get started with freelancing as a proofreader.

10 – Video Editing

If you have skills in video editing, this work from home job could be perfect for you!

As a video editor, you will work with clients to create high-quality videos for their businesses or personal use.

This can include creating marketing videos, wedding videos, event footage and more.

To get started, you will need to have your own video editing software and a strong understanding of how to use it.

Ideally, you will want to have been editing your own videos for quite a while before you offer your services elsewhere.

11 – Design Graphics

If you have an eye for design, then you could work as a freelance graphic designer from home.

This is the type of online job you will need some experience in, but you can get started by doing an online course over a few months to take your basic skills to the next level.

As a graphic designer, you will work with clients to create high-quality visuals for their businesses or personal use.

This can include creating logos, business cards, flyers, marketing materials and more.

12 – Social Media Manager

Do you have a knack for social media? Many businesses are looking for people to help them manage their social media accounts.

This can be a great work from home job that allows you to put your love of social media into gear by making you money.

Being a social media manager can come in many forms.

In some cases, a person specialises in a single online platform, such as being an Instagram or Pinterest guru and all their services are around supporting their clients on this one social platform.

In other cases, a social media manager may be responsible for scheduling all the social content for a brand or business, across all their social media platforms. This might also require them to take on customer service tasks by responding to inbox messages as well!

Many virtual assistants offer social media management services as part of their packages, however, this can be a single area of focus too. And it can be a very profitable home business for social savvy mums!

13 – Remote Customer Service Role

In your experiences with calling insurance companies, banks and other large organisations, you might have wondered if their staff were remote workers. Well, quite often they are!

In some cases, they may be located overseas, but there are many companies that hire remote customer service representatives and insurance operators within the same country, who work remotely to support customers.

My niece recently started work as an insurance claim operator here in Australia. She needed to supply her own computer, wifi and landline for her home office and they provided extensive remote training and support. This was with no prior experience in the industry and with a very appealing income package and bonus scheme. She gets to take phone calls in her PJs or take her lunch break on the front patio! Bliss!

14 – Data Entry

Data entry is a work from home job that pretty much anyone can do. No experience or qualifications are required and the pay can be quite decent.

Of course, as with any work from home job, the more skills you have the better your chances of getting hired and earning more money as a data entry specialist.

But if you’re just starting out, work on improving your typing speed and accuracy, as this will make you much more valuable to a company that is looking for high data output.

You may be required to take an online typing test when applying for data entry positions so it can help to practice with some online first.

15 – Transcribe Audio and Video Files

If you have good listening skills and can type quickly, then you could work as a transcriber from home.

This work from home job involves transcribing video and audio files for businesses or websites.

The files could be anything from interviews, podcasts, lectures and more. And once you get the hang of it, it can be a very easy way to make some extra money from home.

There are many online courses that can help you get started with transcription work. Once you have completed a course, you will be able to start applying for jobs and working from home!

16 – Become A Travel Agent

Do you love to travel? Why not get paid to help others plan their dream vacations!

Becoming a remote travel agent is a great role for anyone who has exceptional planning skills and ideally a good knowledge of the world.

But if you want to become an online travel agent, then you will need to have some experience before you get started.

What makes this opportunity simple though is that there are many different travel agent agencies that will offer courses to get you started. Many of them will also then send referrals your way!

The best thing about being an online travel agent is that a single large booking can make you a substantial amount of money, so there is a great opportunity to earn well in this industry.

While it is commission based typically, we all know how expensive those dream vacations are!!

17 – Sell Your Photography

If you are skilled with a camera and editing software, you can sell your photos for profit.

There are so many different options for this.

You can create a portfolio on a stock image site like Shutterstock or DepositPhotos and earn money every time someone purchases one of your photos. It will require a lot of sales to make a reasonable profit, but it is an easy way to make some extra income.

You can also upload your photos to a print-on-demand service where purchasers can have them printed on items such as wall prints, mugs, cushions or calendars.

You can find heaps of different sites to sell your photos here.

18 – Create PLR Content

Something that is become very popular over the last year or two is PLR content – Private Label Rights.

This work from home job involves creating content that can be used by others.

It could be anything from pre-written blog posts and articles to eBooks, recipes, craft tutorials and printables.

The great thing about this work from home job is that you can sell the same piece of content multiple times and make a profit each time!

This is a perfect option for you if you love the idea of creating content for a website or blog, but don’t have the passion to grow a site. Instead, you can dabble in the creative content process and benefit from quick sales of content for others.

There are loads of Facebook groups dedicated to PLR sellers and buyers.

19 – Sell Planner Stickers

Another really popular option for online businesses is to create your own planner stickers. Just like creating printables, you can create digital planner stickers that customers can print at home, making it an entirely online business.

Or you can print the planner stickers you create on your home printer. This is especially a great option if you have a cutting machine such as a Cricut or a Silhouette so you can set them up to cut the stickers for you.

This FREE MASTERCLASS is a great introduction to creating your own planner stickers.

Or check out this planner sticker course which will teach you all the design basics, how to print and cut stickers at home, and even includes some templates to get you started quickly!

I have a Cricut Joy machine & a Silhouette Cameo. I prefer the Cricut for being user-friendly! Plus there are a lot of other make-and-sell ideas you can do with these machines!

20. Laser Engraving Business

Custom gifts are always best sellers on marketplaces such as Etsy with personalised gifts being the perfect sentimental gift idea for any occasion.

Having your own laser engraving machine, such as the desktop hybrid xTool machines or a Gloforge that cuts vinyl and do laser engraving can be a great way to get started without the huge commercial-size machine costs.

I have an xTool M1 and while this is perhaps more of an entry-level machine, it can be a great starting point for a home business.

Offline Jobs For Stay At Home Mums

Woman kissing son on forehead as they sit at kitchen bench

Not so keen to start an online job to earn you money as a stay at home mum? That’s okay because there are plenty of great options that make you money without needing the fancy tech skills too!

Check out these jobs for mums at home:

21 – Sell Items For Profit

One of the most popular quick ways to earn money from home is to sell items for profit.

Unless you are a minimalist, you might be shocked (or horrified) at just how much unwanted clutter you have sitting in your home that could quite potentially be making you money!

If you need cash quickly, a whole-house declutter is a great way to get started with selling items.

You can do this on sites like eBay or Facebook marketplace (this option is free), or you could hold a garage sale!

Once you’ve flipped all the unwanted items out of your own home, you can turn this into an ongoing business by finding cheap second-hand goods from garage sales, ops shops or online marketplaces and selling them for higher profits.

The key to making good money from selling items is to be able to source them cheaply enough that you can still make a healthy profit after all the work of listing and selling them is done.

If you enjoy a bit of DIY, restoring old furniture with a fresh makeover can really increase the resale value!

22 – Start A Handmade Business

If you are crafty and have a passion for handmade creations, you can start a handmade business making products such as cards, hair accessories, jewellery or other small handicraft items.

There are loads of ways to sell your handmade goodies – online marketplaces like Etsy or Shopify, at local flea markets or via a Facebook page.

You might even be able to get your handmade products into a local boutique store that sells a variety of similar products! Can’t hurt to ask!

23 – Offer An Ironing Service

If you live in a suburb with lots of young families, chances are there are plenty of busy mums who would love to outsource their ironing!

You could start an ironing service from home, picking up and dropping off the clothes once they’re pressed.

This is a great option for stay at home mums because you can work around your kids’ school and nap times.

To get started, put up some flyers in your local area or advertise on local Facebook groups to find local clients.

You can also offer a complete laundry service – wash, dry, iron and fold.

Make sure you don’t take this work at home job on if you despise doing your own family’s ironing! You will hate it…

24 – Petsitting

Love animals? Petsitting might be a great choice for you to earn extra income!

Petsitting involves looking after someone’s pet while they’re away on holiday or for other reasons.

This can be anything from feeding the pets and walking them, to staying overnight at the client’s house to keep an eye on things.

It might even involve a few other housesitting duties as well, such as collecting the mail and putting the bins out.

You can start your own pet sitting service without any prior experience, although if offering services to strangers, it would be beneficial to have police background checks done first to help build trust with potential clients.

Once you’ve had a few pet sitting jobs, with any luck word will start to get around with them telling friends and family who are looking for a pet sitter in future.

In some areas, you can register with a pet sitting agency that will help connect you with local clients. Otherwise, set up a Facebook page and share in local community groups, or create some flyers to pin on noticeboards and drop in letterboxes.

25 – Dog Walking

If you love dogs and are reasonably fit, dog walking could be the perfect job for you! It can also be an extension of a pet sitting business if you wanted to combine the two and have the time to fit both in.

Dog walking involves going to the client’s house to pick up their pet and then taking them for a walk before returning them home again.

This service is a great time saver for busy working families who might not have the time to walk their dog themselves but want to make sure their beloved pet is getting daily exercise.

26 – House Cleaning

If you’re a neat freak who loves nothing more than a good tidy up, starting your own house cleaning business could be a great way to share these skills of yours!

You can create a flexible schedule and choose to only work while the kids are at school or daycare, or when your partner is home with the children.

You will need to invest in some essential cleaning supplies and tools. Make sure to keep a record of these purchases for tax purposes!

27 – In-Person Tutoring

If you’re a whiz at a particular school subject or language, you could start offering in-person tutoring to local students who need help with their studies.

You can work with primary school students right through to university students, depending on your skills and qualifications.

There are also online tutoring services that offer training programs before setting you up as an online tutor on their platform.

28 – Host Classes in Creative Skills

Share your creative talents with others by hosting classes from home or at a local venue in things like painting, life drawing, resin art, cooking, cake decorating, jewellery making, or macrame and photography.

You can advertise your classes online or through local community groups. You might need to invest in some supplies and equipment to get started, but once you have everything you need it’s just a matter of getting the word out there.

Often creative classes are priced to cover the cost of materials as well as your teaching support.

29 – Photographer

Woman with a camera learning photography

If you are a natural with a camera, you can take those photography skills even further and start photographing for profit.

I have two friends who have turned their love of photography into very successful home businesses and one is a stay at home mum who works during school hours with her home studio sessions or on Sunday afternoons for her lifestyle location shoots. And even then, it’s only when she wants to work!

To become a professional photographer, you need to have a quality camera (although it doesn’t have to be top of the line) and know how to use it. There are plenty of in-person and online photography courses to help you level up your skills.

Great editing software is also essential for a photography business.

Creative Live has loads of free and low-cost photography courses online, targeting different skills and types of photography. Their online learning platform is great for learning other skills too!

30 – Meal Prep Service

There are a lot of fresh meal delivery boxes available these days with services such as HelloFresh and Marley Spoon.

There are even plenty that offer ready-made meals too, but they sure can get expensive and you don’t know who is making your food!

Busy local families are the perfect clients for a meal prep service. A meal prep business involves cooking meals in advance and portioning them out into individual servings or family meals that are ready to eat.

This can be anything from a healthy lunchbox service to family-style dinners ready to reheat after a long day at work or school.

You could even specialize in dietary requirements such as gluten-free, Paleo, or Keto meal prep.

Make sure you research the required food licensing and insurances needed for this type of business. You can find out more about starting a food prep business here.

Bonus Ways To Earn Money As A Stay At Home Mum

Want more ways to save money and make a little extra cash? These bonus ideas can really add up over time and help with the family finances.

31 – Online Survey Sites

Online survey sites pay you to answer market research surveys online. They can take anywhere from 30 seconds to an hour, and pay according to the length and effort required.

You won’t make a lot of money but it can add up to a bit of extra if you have the time (and nothing better to do with it… like a fun hobby!).

Check out Survey Junkie. This is one I have tried in the past although I have not used it recently.

32 – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home by promoting other people’s products and services.

This is the one bonus money-making idea that can actually make you significant income if you have the right platforms and presence online.

You can sign up to be an affiliate for almost any company these days, from big brands like Amazon to travel booking sites, clothing stores, skincare… everything you can think of.

In fact, affiliate marking is one of the big income streams for most bloggers.

As an affiliate, you earn a commission on every sale you generate through your unique affiliate link.

There are a few things to be aware of with affiliate marketing, such as disclosure requirements if you are promoting products on your blog or social media platforms. But it is generally a very easy way to make some extra money from home.

If you have a large social media following, many ‘influencers’ are making significant income on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook and Pinterest by promoting products they love.

Get started by signing up with an affiliate program marketplace, such as ShareASale, where you will find hundreds of affiliate programs in one place.

33 – Cashback Apps

Cashback apps aren’t an income-generating opportunity, but it is a fantastic way to save money on your household expenses.

There are a few different cashback apps available around the world and they mostly work the same way. If you purchase through one of the cashback partner sites via the browser or app, you get a percentage of your purchase back.

It can take a few weeks to a few months for the funds to clear, however, this is money that comes back into your bank account rather than going into the items you purchased.

You can get money back on your everyday purchases from grocery shopping to petrol, online shopping, and even travel expenses.

It’s completely free money just for doing your normal spending!

Rakuten is a popular option in the USA. Here in Australia, my favourites are Shopback and Cashrewards. Many airline rewards programs also offer a points bonus for spending through their partners as an alternative option.

Quick Tips For Working From Home

Mother working at kitchen table alongside her 2 children

You hopefully have plenty of ideas now on the types of work-at-home jobs for mums that you could potentially try. These tips will help give you a greater chance of success:

  • Know your capabilities and limits – This includes how much time you can realistically devote and how confident you are in the skills you need for the role.
  • Set up a work schedule – While flexibility is key when you’re a work at home mum, having something of a schedule will help you stay on track with the things you need to do.
  • Create a tidy workspace – Avoid working in a messy area as clutter reduces our productivity and increases stress!
  • Set up a dedicated work area – Even better, have your own workspace, whether it be a home office or a small desk in the corner of your dining area that is dedicated to your work time.
  • Invest wisely – If you do need to make purchases to get started, such as courses, equipment or tools, do this with caution as you don’t want to spend on anything that won’t get used!

My Experience With Working From Home

As a young adult, I was very career-focused and couldn’t imagine there being a point where I would want to do anything other than the traditional career path.

I was working as a correctional psychologist and loved my career, assuring my boss I would definitely be back after maternity leave.

And I was. 6 months later I returned to work part-time and I hated it!

We were lucky that hubby was on the afternoon shift at the time so he was home with our 6-month-old while I worked. It just got harder and harder to leave her though so I started contemplating career changes.

Teaching maybe? Contract psych work? I started in both those areas, back to uni and working a day a week as a psychologist in schools.

Throughout this time I had always blogged. Mostly as a craft blogger and certainly never as a money-making hobby. Until I learned this was a possibility. So I started this website and soon after also started a family travel website too.

By the time I found out I was pregnant again I was blogging, had started a handmade baby headband business and was selling kids’ clothing via Facebook.

I also had my first experience with direct sales around the time my second daughter was 5 months old. This was an incredible experience but not anywhere as profitable as I would have liked.

When that company started struggling, I switched my energy back to my long-neglected websites and gave them everything I had. It took a couple of years to go from side hustle of earning just a few hundred dollars a month to now making an income comparable to my psychologist career. Knowing what I did now, it would not have taken nearly as long though!

There are a number of different work from home jobs for mums to suit all interests and skill sets. Some of these options are great for bringing extra income into your household short term, while others are more sustainable and profitable and can easily become a full-time business from home! There’s no reason you can’t enjoy financial security as a stay at home mum!

Hopefully one of these stay at home mum jobs is perfect for you!

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Work from home jobs for mums