27 Egg-citing Easter Games To Bring Everyone Together!

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Easter isn’t just about egg hunts and chocolate bunnies—it’s about something much more meaningful and the perfect opportunity to gather with family and friends for some fun! If you are hosting an Easter party, planning activities for kids, or looking for games to keep the whole family entertained over Easter weekend, this list of Easter games has something for all age and occasion.

cute easter eggs with faces and bunny ears.

Easter Games For Groups

If you’re looking for fun Easter party games, this list has something for everyone with so many games that you can play with the family during the Easter long weekend, at an Easter party at work or school or

1. Egg and Spoon Race

How to Play:
This classic game is perfect for Easter parties! Give each participant a spoon and a plastic egg. The goal is to race to the finish line without dropping the egg. The plastic eggs are so light so they fall off really easily, which means players need to take their time and not rush through. This is definitely more fun and adds a little extra strategy.

For added difficulty, try using real eggs!

What You Need:

  • Plastic or real eggs
  • Spoons

2. Bunny Hop Sack Race

kids doing sack races.

How to Play:
Participants hop to the finish line in sacks, like giant bunnies. The first to cross the line wins! You can also turn it into a relay for some added teamwork.

What You Need:

  • Burlap sacks or large pillowcases
  • Bunny ears (optional for extra fun)

3. Pin the Tail on the Bunny

How to Play:
Blindfold players and have them try to pin a fluffy tail on a bunny poster. Closest tail placement wins!

What You Need:

  • Bunny poster
  • Cotton balls or paper “tails”
  • Blindfold

4. Easter Left Right Game

easter left right game printable on a table with easter food.

How to Play:

Have players sit in a circle with one person holding a gift or prize. Read out the Easter left right story and each time the reader says left, the gift is passed left. When they say right, the gift is passed right. Whoever is holding it at the end gets to keep it.

What You Need:

5. Egg Rolling Contest

How to Play:
Players roll hard-boiled eggs across the ground using a wooden spoon. The first to reach the finish line without dropping the egg wins. At no point during the race can players touch their egg with their hands. The fun is in the unpredictable directions it may roll that will have players running all over the place to get their egg back in line. No launching it across the finish line though…

What You Need:

  • Hard-boiled eggs or plastic eggs
  • Wooden spoons

6. Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt

printable easter scavenger hunt clues.

How to Play:
Hide eggs filled with goodies around the yard or house. Provide clues or riddles for an extra challenge. You can get my free Easter scavenger hunt clues in my printables library for a simple Easter egg hunt perfect for younger kids!

What You Need:

7. Easter Trivia

How to Play:
Prepare a list of Easter-themed questions and have participants answer. Divide players into teams for added competition!

What You Need:

  • Easter trivia questions
  • Scoreboard or paper to track points

8. Easter Bingo

How to Play:
Distribute bingo cards with Easter-themed images and use small candies as markers. Call out the items and award a prize to the first player to get bingo – a full row marked off.

What You Need:

9. Easter Egg Toss

lady catching water balloon as it bursts.

How to Play:
Pair players and have them toss an egg (a filled water balloon) back and forth. With each successful toss, take a step further apart. The last pair with an unbroken “egg” wins. Definitely an outdoor game but still much less mess than playing with real eggs!

What You Need:

  • Water balloons

10. Easter Charades

How to Play:
Split players into two teams and act out Easter-themed phrases, like “eating too much chocolate,” “Easter bunny,” or “Easter egg hunt.” There is no talking allowed though!

What You Need:

11. Never Have I Ever (Easter Edition)

How to Play:
Each player takes turns saying something they have never done related to Easter (e.g., “I’ve never eaten a Peeps candy”). Players who have done it must raise their hand or take a treat.

For adults, you can turn this into a drinking game and take a sip of your drink whenever you have done one of the statements.

What You Need:

  • A list of “Never Have I Ever” prompts

12. Easter Egg Dice Roll Game

How to Play:
Have a pile of mini Easter eggs (or other treats) in the centre and give each player 4 eggs to begin. Take turn rolling the dice and following the prompts on the candy dice roll game until the first player reaches 10 eggs. At this point, everyone gets to keep whatever eggs they have in their pile at the end.

What You Need:

13. Find Someone Who…

How to Play:
If you are hosting an Easter party with coworkers or friends who do not know each other well, this is the perfect Easter icebreaker game!

Create a bingo board of Easter-related & general traits (e.g., “Find someone who has eaten a chocolate egg today”, “Find someone who is left-handed”). Players mingle and try to find someone matching each trait to tick off the square.

Players can only use each person for one square on their board. First to get a full row calls out bingo. You can also have a special prize for a full board completion.

What You Need:

  • Guest guest bingo game sheet

14. Egg Roulette

How to Play:
Use a mix of hard-boiled and raw eggs. Players take turns picking and cracking an egg on their heads. The suspense makes this game hilarious!
What You Need:

  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • A few raw eggs

15. Easter Escape Room

How to Play:
If you want to challenge your friends and family, a printable Easter escape room is a fun activity for home (or work) for a small group. You can get loads of different escape room kits to print at home and set up. They have puzzles and codes to solve, all done with a time limit to see if they can ‘escape’ before time runs out.

What You Need:

  • Printable Easter Escape Room Kit

16. You’ve Been Egged

you've been egged easter game.

How to Play:
This Easter game is a fun Easter neighbourhood game or workplace game where you drop off a surprise treat for someone annonymously, leaving them with a copy of the rules and signs so that they can do the same for someone else. Such a fun way to spread a little cheer in the lead up to Easter weekend.

What You Need:

17. Guess How Many Chocolate Eggs

easter eggs in glass container for guessing game.

How to Play:
Fill a jar with mini chocolate eggs (or jellybeans/Peeps) and have everyone guess how many are inside. Closest guess wins the jar! This is a fun game to play in the classroom or at work as it can run over a few days or weeks while everyone drops their guesses in.

What You Need:

  • A jar
  • Chocolate eggs or other Easter candies

18. Drink If… (Easter Edition)

How to Play:
Share Easter-themed scenarios like “Drink if you’ve ever forgotten to boil eggs before dyeing them.” Players drink or take a treat if it applies to them.

This is quite similiar to never have I ever but instead of being a drinking game, you can also turn this into a candy game where each time you have done one of the scenarios, you take a piece of candy for your own collection.

What You Need:

  • Drinks or snacks
  • Easter-themed prompts

19. Easter 5 Second Game

How to Play:
This quick-thinking Easter fast answers game requires you to come up with 3 answers for the prompt within 5 seconds, or pass to the next player. The person who gets to 7 points first is the winner.

What You Need:

20. Easter Would You Rather Game

would you rather easter game.

How to Play:
Get to know each other better with would you rather style questions that have an Easter twist, such as “Would you rather hop like a bunny or waddle like a duck?”. Ask questions one at a time and have everyone in the group share their response. You are sure to get a few laughs and some funny reasoning too!

What You Need:

21. Bunny Ears Ring Toss

How to Play:
One player wears bunny ears while others toss rings, trying to land them on the ears. Award points for each successful toss.

What You Need:

  • Bunny ears headbands
  • Plastic rings

22. Easter Egg Memory Game

How to Play:
For this game, you will need pairs of small prizes that will fit inside plastic eggs. Making sure they each have a match, such as 2 of the same treat or 2 of the same Easter eraser, and put them inside plastic eggs. Make sure no one sees which eggs hold which prizes.

Mix the eggs up on the table and players take turns picking up two eggs per round and seeing if the prize in side matches. If it matches, they get to keep the prizes. If it doesn’t, they put the eggs back on the table.

As the game goes on, other players will start to remember where certain prizes are hidden so they can get the pair. Essentially a classic memory game with a fun twist!

What You Need:

  • Pairs of small prizes
  • Plastic Easter eggs

23. Easter Plastic Wrap Ball Game

kids playing the saran wrap ball game at a birthday party.

How to Play:
The plastic wrap ball game or saran wrap ball game is especially popular at Christmas time but you can add a seasonal twist for any occasion and Easter is perfect for this. Wrap small prizes and treats in a full roll of plastic wrap, wrapping it tightly so that the layers are firm and hard to remove.

During gameplay, one player starts with the dice while another starts with the ball. The player with the ball starts unwrapping layer by layer (no tearing) while the other player rolls the 2 dice.

Any prizes that fall out during unwrapping now belong to that player. As soon as they roll doubles, the ball and dice pass left and the cycle continues until all layers are unwrapped.

To make it even more fun, add Easter-themed challenge cards to some of the layers where players who get a card must stop and complete the challenge before unwrapping further. Challenges can include things such as “Only unwrap using your left hand” or “Unwrap while singing a song”.

What You Need:

24. Easter How Many Words

How to Play:
Challenge players to come up with as many words as possible using the letters of Easter-themed words or phrases, such as “EASTER BUNNY”. Each letter can only be used once per word. Set a timer and whoever has the most words at the end is the winner.

What You Need:

  • Paper (or Easter how many words game)
  • Pen

25. Easter Day Pictionary

How to Play:
Use Easter words or phrases for a fast-paced game of Pictionary. Players take turns to draw the prompts, not writing any words, while their teammates guess what they’re drawing. You can also use charade cards if you have them, giving them a dual purpose!

What You Need:

26. Find the Golden Egg

How to Play:
This is a twist on the typical Easter egg hunt idea, with just a single egg to be found. Hide a golden egg in a challenging spot, and let players search for it. The first to find it wins a special prize!

What You Need:

  • One golden egg
  • Prize for the winner

27. Musical Easter Eggs

How to Play:
An Easter twist on musical chairs! Use Easter egg-shaped cutouts placed on the floor as “seats.” When the music stops, players must stand on a spare egg. If you are left without an egg, you’re out. Remove one egg after each round until there’s only one person left.

What You Need:

  • Easter egg cutouts
  • Music

Easter Party Game Bundle

printable easter game bundle.

Want to make it simple? I know I do, so I have created a huge printable Easter game bundle that you can instantly download, print and play! It has 25 different Easter games, including many of the ones mentioned above plus a few bonus Easter activities for the kids!

If you need more Easter party inspiration, check out these Easter-themed cocktails and Easter charcuterie boards, because every celebration needs yummy food and drinks!

Which of these Easter games will you try first?

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